Stakeholder Engagement

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Stakeholder Engagement

To pursuit NAFCO business sustainable development, we respect all stakeholders’ opinions and expect to keep good interactions with stakeholders. As per it, NAFCO set up the business policy and target the performance for NAFCO.

NAFCO defines stakeholders as the person or organization who can affect or be affected the NAFCO operation included inside or outside group of NAFCO. According to this definition, NAFCO’s stakeholders can be discriminated to investors, customers , suppliers and employees.

After identified our stakeholders, we integrate all information sourced from stakeholders through internal and external communication channel and sort to the stakeholders’ concern topics.
Stakeholder Concern topic Response of concern topic
  • Company management
  • Financial information
  • Social charity
  • Ethics and integrity 
  • Hold an annual shareholders' meeting,and response shareholders related questions.
  • Open our business management and the latest financial information on the investor related website.
  • To establish the NAFCO Social Charity Fund is the purpose for social charity implement to do our social responsibilities, contribute back to the community, and encourage NAFCO employees' charity.
  • Set the policy『Ethical Company Management Best Practice Principles』, and rule the policy in business management.
  • Customer service
  • Sustainable development strategy
  • Ethics and integrity
  • To protect the customer rights, all the sales process of NAFCO include the warranty process and insurance of each product.
  • Based on the concept of there is only one earth,NAFCO promotes energy conservation, carbon reduction, and waste management positively by environmental protecting regulation.
  • To corporate and maintain the relationship with customers all base one relevant policy and rules.
  • Supplier management
  • Sustainable development strategy
  • Follow the regulations
  • Ethics and integrity
  • To inspect the supplier management processes regularly and set up the warranty process.
  • To set up Industrial Safety Department in charge of all environmental sanitation maintenance, public safety preservation, and relevant regulations following.
  • To corporate and maintain the relationship with suppliers all base one relevant policy and rules.
  • Salary and bonuses
  • Staff training
  • Employee
  • Communication
  • To held the trainings and all kind of activities to encourage employees.
  • To inform employees all types of company information by internal email and regular meeting.